Our manifesto
Our manifesto

We analyze social and digital evolutions and connect the dots to help our clients build a tailored path towards their North Star Metric:
- How and why Gen Z developed something called “newstalgia” for the 90s,
- The fragmentation of social platforms and the growing diversity of influence circles,
- How algorithms have to evolve and adapt to the current standards of data privacy,
- Inclusion and CSR related progress and the dangers of cause-washing,
- The trends around crypto, meta, NFTs, AI.. and how they impact the reshaping of community dynamics.
Our experts study the signals and pass them through the filters of your brand DNA and KPIs, in order to make sense of them and generate business.
Digital acceleration indeed has imposed its own pace upon our activities without giving brands a chance to seize their full digital potential nor to overcome their challenges.
With Vanksen by their side, brands can focus on their strengths and amplify them throughout their ecosystem and beyond, generating growth on their local or international markets.