Media campaigns to promote the mission and collect donations as well as give visibility on the subject of legacy

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), founded in 1863, provides humanitarian assistance to people affected by conflict or a situation of armed violence and makes know the rules protecting war victims.
The challenge
The ICRC, as a NGO, needs to make know its mission in order to make public aware of the actions carried out to protect victims of conflict and war. Collecting donations is a decisive action for the NGO. Optimize its investments, build donor loyalty while renewing them, that is what the media strategy is all about. Moreover, we also promote legacy, another way of giving to the ICRC.
The project and its results
The International Committee of the Red Cross wants to increase its community and brand awareness on social medias, Google and partner websites. In addition, ICRC Fundraising aims to support difficult situations with donation campaigns.
Our media teams defined a tactical media strategy to address target audiences (regular donors) but also to develop and renew the donor database.
Work on targeting has made it possible to define the best media levers (Adwords campaigns « Conversions – Donations » & Display, Facebook campaigns « Conversions - Donations » & Recruitment, Twitter recruitment campaigns), as well as the creation of adapted creative assets. The media campaigns were produced in 4 languages (French, English, German, Italian).
0Kclicks on our adwords campaigns
0millionsnew fans recruited worldwide on their Facebook page
0Knew followers recruited on twitter